Wednesday, March 6, 2013

KEYS 4 ART 2014!!!

Here is the plan for 2014!!!

Sorry it's in three videos!!!  Thoughts come and go at my age!

And then I thought.........

So, finally.....

Eileen, Sue, Teri, Pat, Myself.... already confirmed!!!  Hurry if you want IN!


  1. Like I already told Elena, OMG how fabulous an idea is THIS!!!!!!
    I am in 1000%!!!!!!!
    How exciting!!!!!!!whoooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo!!!
    Elena you are Brilliant!( but u already knew that!)

  2. Sounds like fun! Count me in.

  3. And you thought you couldn't top this year! Fabulous idea and something so wonderful to think about and look forward to all year.

  4. That is great ladies!!!! I think we will have the most amazing time EVER!
