Friday, March 1, 2013

DAY 8.BR!!!

Okay, so this year's craze for us will be the gelli plates right?????  I have been watching videos and am PSYCHED!!

In a lot of the videos they use these fab wedges on the paint to make designs.  Well of course we could not be any less cool than anyone else so we all have a wedge to play with!!!  There are a bunch of different ones so we can share and then take one home to play with!

How creative are WE??????

Can you imagine how much wonderful paper we will make?  I think we will need an extra box to take home with just the background paper we create!!!  LOL!!!


  1. these are great Elena
    fun to be able to use them
    you think of everything

  2. Gee, who'd thought I'd be wild for wedgies! These are sooo cool!

  3. Well, we kinda knew you would be, Pat.

    I'm psyched about using these!!!

  4. I watched the video you posted using this tools - I know I am going to love this! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!

  5. not the kind of wedgies im familier with
    much more fun i thinks
    Thanks Elena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. If you are so enclined and have extra papers you make, you can send some to Gina and I... We would love to see what you can (and do) create! These Geli pads look amazing! Oh the fun ahead of you all!
